
The Association of Hungarian Foundries
and the
Hungarian Mining and Metallurgical Society Foundry Department
invite you to the events of the

25th International Hungarian Foundry Days
Exhibition and Conference

is held on 11-13 October, 2019
in the Hotel Abacus**** (Address: 3. str. Gesztenyés, H-2053 Herceghalom, Hungary)

The following events are offered to the participants according to their special fields of interest: manufacturing iron, steel and non-ferrous castings and traditional wooden/plastic and metal mouldings esp. HPDC, simulation on plenary session and professional section meetings.

Professional papers

We request the colleagues who would like to give research papers in max. 20 minutes to indicate the title of the lecture in the application form attached and send it to us including the abstracts as well (e-mail: until 31 August, 2019.

Technical lectures with a commercial information purpose

Besides conference papers, it is possible to give technically/scientifically based informative presentations on production methods or products. The duration is to be up to 30 minutes. Please indicate your intention on the attached Registration sheet by 31 August, 2019.
We ask you to prepare the lecture in Power Point (as a ppt file) and send it to the Organization Committee until 15 September, 2019 at the latest. We will provide a notebook and a projector. Please indicate your other technical demands on the Application form.

International PhD-student and student section

see Professional papers.

Professional factory visit

According to our plan the participants have the possibility to visit the following company on Friday morning 11 October 2019:

  • Csaba Metál PLC (Békéscaba, Aluminium HPDC)
  • CSABAcast Lighmetal Foundry Ltd (Apc, Aluminium HPDC)

The participants to the professional visits above will get to the factories individually. This visit is only organized if a sufficient number of people register for it. After the factory visits a common lunch will take place at the conference venue.


The basic unit of the exhibition is a 4 – 6 m2 booth including:

  • 1 table, 3 chairs,
  • 2 spotlights,
  • 1 electric socket,
  • a fascia panel of uniform shape with inscription according to request.

The booth might be set up differently on request for extra payment.

Poster exhibition

Posters prepared and previously registered by you can be presented on the poster wall of the conference during the time of the exhibition.

The brochures of companies can be included in the conference package to be handed over to all participants.

Cultural programs

Traditional Foundry Men’s Evening

Participation and other fees (The prices have the VAT not included)

Other feesParticipation
1. Participation fee*
(including the conference materials, meals during the conference, a contribution to the cost of the professional evening party, the cost of study trips and organization)
350 EUR
2. Lectures
Professional (the participation fee of the lecturer)150 EUR
Informative presentation, 30 minutes300 EUR + 150 EUR
3. Exhibition (The purchase of a basic unit involves the participation fee of an exhibitor person)
Professional exhibition125 EUR/m2
Poster exhibition125 EUR/pres.
Distribution of information brochure100 EUR/pack.



  1. Date of registration: 31 08 2019
  2. Preferential date of registration: 15 07 2019 – 15% reduction from the reg. fee
  3. Group preference (min 3 persons) reg. if the participants belong to the same company: 15 08 2019

We provide a 10% discount per person from the reg. fee if the group is registered together.

After getting your registration the total cost of your participation will be checked and the invoice will be fullfiled after.
Information: The invoice will indicate the cost of the meals.

Accommodation: (The cost of accommodation is not included in the participation fee). We have reserved rooms in Hotel Abacus, Herceghalom


Single room with breakfast110 EUR/night
Double room with breakfast160 EUR/night

Please send your booking to the organizing committee together with your registration.

Conditions of the cancellationCancellation charge in % of the ordered services
more than 30 days earlier10 %
30-21 days earlier50 %
21-15 days earlier75 %
less than 15 days earlier100 %


Please send us the Application Form to the address below.

  • AHF – Organizational Committee of the 25th Hungarian Foundry Days
    H-1211 Budapest, Öntöde utca 10.
    Phone: (+36-1) 420-4812;
  • E-mail:

We are looking for sponsors to support our event according to a co-operation agreement!

Online application

Association of  Hungarian Foundries

György Fegyverneky Phd
Hungarian Mining and Metallurgical Society
Foundry Section

Advanced program of the 25th Hungarian Foundry Days

Hotel Abacus, Herceghalom, Hungary, 11 – 13 October 2019



11 October, 2019 Friday

   1030 – 1230Factory visits
1030 – 1230Youth section (paralel program)
1230 – 1530Common lunch in the Hotel Abacus
1300 – 1900Registration
1615Opening the International Exibition
1630 – 1830Openining and plenary session at he International Conference
1830 – 1945Dinner
2000 – 2030Salutation – 50 years anniversary of Hungarian Foundry Days
2030 – 2200Cultural program


12 October, 2019 Saturday

0830 – 1800Registration
0900– 1900Opening hours of the Exibition
0900– 1200Professional and informative papers of the conference, round table discussion
1200 – 1400Lunch
1430 – 1800Professional and informative papers of the conference, round table discussion
1430 – 180International PhD Student and student section (paralel program)
1800 – 1945Dinner
2000Traditional Foundry Men’s Evening

13 October, 2019 Sunday

0830 – 1200Opening hours of the Exibition
0900 – 1200Professional and informative papers of the conference, round table discussion
1200 – 1230Closing ceremony, accepting recommendations of the conference


Please contact to :

Dr. Pál Hatala (English, German) +36-30-233-1922

Katkó Károly +36-20-9294206

The final program will be sent by 30 September 2019.